Teaching old
Teaching at the Singapore Saxophone Symposium, August 2016
One of the most respected saxophone teachers in the United Kingdom, Kyle Horch has many years experience working with learning players at all levels from beginner to conservatoire level.
He has been a saxophone professor at the Royal College of Music in London since 1991. His teaching studio has attracted students from the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Malta, South Africa, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Canada, and the USA. His students frequently win prizes at competitions both within and outside the RCM, and many of those who have learned with Kyle have gone on to become successful and award-winning musicians with a diverse range of career paths. RCM website here.
Since 2011, he has also been saxophone teacher at Royal Holloway, University of London. RHUL Music Department website here.
He is Visiting Consultant in Saxophone at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. In this role he gives a day of masterclasses each term to the Conservatoire's saxophone students. RBC website here.
Kyle teaches annually on summer courses. From 2005-2016, he taught at the Hindhead Music Centre Clarinet and Saxophone Summer Course. Since 2017 he has taught at the MusicFest Aberystwyth International Summer School. MusicFest website here.
In the earlier part of his career, he worked with children and amateur saxophonists for many years at the Blackheath Conservatoire of Music and Art, Harpenden Musicale, as well as in schools such as Trinity School, Croydon; The King's School, Canterbury; and Radley College.
He continues to work with children in outreach projects, most frequently for Birmingham Contemporary Music Group. BCMG Learning webpage here. The BCMG site also includes a video of Kyle speaking about the basics of composing for saxophone, aimed at school age composers, as a resource for the ongoing BCMG Sequenza project, here.
Published writing
The Cambridge Companion to the Saxophone. Edited by Richard Ingham. Cambridge University Press, published 1999.
Kyle contributed two chapters to the book: "Saxophone Technique" and "Teaching the Saxophone".
Link to further information and purchase at www.cambridge.org here.
Private tuition
For enquiries regarding Kyle's availability for one-off consultation lessons, or short courses of lessons outside of academic term-times, please use the Contact page.